Monday, September 29, 2008

Defination of mumbaikar ?

hey guyz, enough of what seems to have been a political drama of sorts.Who rules Mumbai? whose mumbai it is? Lets not fall into all these political games and mess up with the true Cosmopolitan spirit of this true dream land in itself...aamchi mumbai.

We do not need any shivsena or MNS or Congress to explain what this mumbai stands for...whats the defination of being cosmopolitan is...who is Mumbaikar and whats his language...
Mumbai is an integral part of Maharashta as much was Chennai is a part of Tamil nadu, Bengaluru is Part of Karnataka and Chandigard is part of Punjab.But then alwaz remember this city is part of Maharashtra as much as its part of India as well.
This city has welcomed and assimilated huge migrations of populations right from the 1920's and alwaz survived and maintained its mumbaikar spirit.Poeple from all parts of India ..states like Gujarat,Delhi, karnataka have come here settled here, assimilated here ,helped the city in its progress and are today are proudly calling themselves a "proud mumbaikar". They celibrate Ganpati, navratri and every festival in equal spirit and what does one need for the true defination of mumbaikar.

Hye guyz lets be proud of this great feeling called "mee mumbaikar" and we got to take care that when we are so proud of this cosmopolitan spirit and are proud mumbaikars today that lets not represent a motion or feeling which tries to Isolate this city from its mother state maharashtra.This will invalidate Our cosmopolitan spirit and hurt that great spirit which has been nurtured for years.